Writing love.

Writing about love can be tricky. You should know a few things before jumping in. First there is a difference betweening loving someone and being in love with someone. Second most important thing is that falling and being are also very differnt. As such these things must be written differently for your writing to be a success.

One thing to note when your character is in love is that you shouldn’t down play it. Your writing will come off dry and unemotional, and so will your character. You should after all treat your as person and that with or without your consent your character will run off and fall madingly in love. It should read intensely like an addiction. Your character should not just crave but need this character and not just physically but emotionally as well. You must walk a fine line between infatuation and stalking. Do it right and readers will love you and your work. Do it wrong and readers find your work oddly disturbing. Beware of this line. Write well and wise my friends.
-Emma Writer

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